UDTP vs. FTP and SCP

loss, %
x FTP,
1 0 0 544 576 1.06 587 645 1.09
2 50 0 272 280 1.03 315 625 1.98
3 50 1 3.58 136 37.9 4.2 282 67.1
4 50 2 2.7 136 50.3 2.5 270 108

TunV17 is a util­i­ty to encap­su­late SCP-pack­ets into UDTP-packets
UDTP is a new trans­port pro­to­col of IPv17 technology
Con­tin­ue read­ingUDTP vs. FTP and SCP

UDTP vs. TCP (1GB file transfer)

Series of 1GB file trans­fer tests

# exter­nal proxy, MB/s inter­nal proxy, MB/s
1 7.6 6.0 27 7.9 4.9 61
2 7.6 6.0 27 9.2 6.1 51
3 7.6 6.3 21 10.0 7.5 33
4 7.6 5.5 38 8.6 4.8 79
5 7.6 6.4 19 7.4 4.3 72
6 7.6 6.6 15 8.3 4.2 98
7 7.6 6.3 21 7.8 4.8 63
8 7.6 6.1 25 9.2 6.5 42
9 7.6 9.1 -16 10.1 6.4 58
10 7.6 4.5 69 9.3 9.1 2
11 7.6 6.2 23 9.1 8.2 11
aver­age 24% aver­age 52%

Con­tin­ue read­ingUDTP vs. TCP (1GB file transfer)”

Cisco VNI Forecast by 2020

Glob­al IP traf­fic will increase near­ly three­fold by 2020

2015 2020
more inter­net users 3.0B 4.1B
more devices and connections 16.3B 26.3B
faster broad­band speeds 24.7Mbps 47.7Mbps
more video viewing 70% of traffic 82% of Traffic

В отчете Cis­co VNI прогнозируется утроение IP-трафика к 2020 году

Educational video about the sources of delay

Great video! And let me remind that IPv17 tech­nol­o­gy reduces the impact of the laten­cy to the traffic.


Technology explained

UDTP pre-specification

UDTP (Up/Down Trans­port Pro­to­col) is a trans­port lay­er pro­to­col that con­tains mech­a­nisms for ensur­ing trans­mis­sion qual­i­ty with guar­an­teed deliv­ery in pack­et-based net­works with an explic­it­ly orga­nized con­nec­tion. Con­tin­ue read­ing “Tech­nol­o­gy explained”

How to visualise the operational principle of IPv17?

It is almost like in this video from MIT. Autonomous rout­ing as a fea­ture of IPv17 pre­vents traf­fic jams.


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