

SValov BWSergey Val­ov

Co-founder & CTO

Ser­i­al entre­pre­neur with 20-year expe­ri­ence, a pro­gram­mer with 30-year expe­ri­ence: Intel­lect Tele­com, Sitron­ics CAMS

Vasi­ly PrDSC03200 mini 3 BWosin

Co-founder & CEO

15 years in Sales and mar­ket­ing man­age­ment, Coca-Cola Olympic oper­a­tional expe­ri­ence, con­sult­ing and star­tups at GVA LaunchGurus

And a team of 10 pro­gram­mers from Russia:

  • Zelenograd
  • Moscow
  • Saint Peters­burg
  • Chebok­sary
  • Novosi­birsk

Board of Advisors

Gary A. Fowler

CEO and Pres­i­dent at Findo

Co-Founder 7 star­tups includ­ing GVA LaunchGu­rus (Top accel­er­a­tor), IPO (CKSW), Co-Chair­man of the Year AmCham Inno­va­tion Com­mit­tee, TEDx speaker


Lawrence Wright

Co-Founder and Chair­man at GVA LaunchGurus

Co-Founder 5 star­tups, occa­sion­al busi­ness angel investor, and men­tor. SAIC, ISTC, Opti­ma Ven­ture Capital

John R. Grizz Deal

Exec­u­tive Chair­man & CEO, IX Pow­er Companies

25 years of expe­ri­ence in tech­nol­o­gy com­mer­cial­iza­tion. Space Imag­ing Corp, Los Alam­os Nation­al Lab­o­ra­to­ry, Tech­nol­o­gy Ven­tures Cor­po­ra­tion, Hype­r­i­on Pow­er Gen­er­a­tion, Pur­ple Moun­tain Ven­tures, IX Power

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