Technology explained

UDTP pre-specification

UDTP (Up/Down Trans­port Pro­to­col) is a trans­port lay­er pro­to­col that con­tains mech­a­nisms for ensur­ing trans­mis­sion qual­i­ty with guar­an­teed deliv­ery in pack­et-based net­works with an explic­it­ly orga­nized con­nec­tion. Con­tin­ue read­ing “Tech­nol­o­gy explained”

How to visualise the operational principle of IPv17?

It is almost like in this video from MIT. Autonomous rout­ing as a fea­ture of IPv17 pre­vents traf­fic jams.


IPv17 video

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на русском: Con­tin­ue read­ing “IPv17 video”

Co-founders intro

in Eng­lish

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